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Come join us on the banks of the Beautiful Myall River.
Tea Gardens Hotel Motel is located in the heart of Tea Gardens Village, on the northern side of Port Stephens.
Only 2.5 hours north of sydney, Tea Gardens is surrounded by pristine waterways, beaches and National Park.
There are less people and more unspoiled places in the Tea Gardens region than any other coastal area in NSW.
Wildlife, coastal forest, wildflowers and many kilometers of white sandy beaches surrounded by islands, all waiting to welcome you...
Tea Gardens Hotel Motel
Cnr Maxwell St & Marine Drive
Ph: (02) 4997 0203
Why not bring the family and let the kids try our new Kid's Play Area, with swings, slide and more... This is adjacent to our refurbished BBQ area, which is available for members and guests to use free of charge. Just contact the Club to book the BBQ for your next family gathering or special function.